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    Omega Alphatexx-Fluoxymesterone 60 Tabs-10Mg

    Omega Alphatexx-Fluoxymesterone 60 Tabs-10Mg

    It is an oral C17-alpha-alkylated compound that provides the advantages of gaining weight without much force.

    It has low anabolic qualities despite its huge anabolic rating, which means that the drug alone has not brought significant muscle mass benefits. Power lifters find personal gains and strength while maintaining a certain weight in favor of this drug.

    Original price was: MXN1,665.00.Current price is: MXN1,248.75.
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    Bull Decabull Iny 300 Mg


    Decabull es Decanoato de Nandrolona.

    También conocido como “Deca” el Decanoato de Nandrolona es uno de los esteroides anabólicos más utilizados. Su popularidad es debido al simple hecho de que exhibe muchas propiedades favorables, tales como aumento del apetito y síntesis proteica, por tal motivo es uno de los más elegidos junto con la Testosterona y el Dianabull para ciclos de volumen.

    Original price was: MXN1,722.31.Current price is: MXN1,291.73.
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    Bull Superbull Iny 500 Mg


    Superbull 500, la testosterona es una de las herramientas más efectivas para conseguir músculo y fuerza en un corto lapso. El uso apropiado de la testosterona garantiza resultados extraordinarios.

    Original price was: MXN1,722.31.Current price is: MXN1,291.73.
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    Omega Stan 10Ml-100 Mg Vial

    Omega Stan 10Ml-100 Mg Vial

    Stan is Stanozolol or also known as Winstrol is a water based injectable steroid that is a derivative of DHT. Both the oral and injectable versions are the same, which is why the injected version has often been used as an oral.

    Original price was: MXN1,740.00.Current price is: MXN1,305.00.
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    Omega Boldebold 10Ml-200 Mg Vial

    Omega Boldebold 10Ml-200 Mg Vial

    Boldenone is an anabolic steroid derived from testosterone which produces muscle mass gains of higher quality than testosterone but over a longer period of time.

    Original price was: MXN1,776.00.Current price is: MXN1,332.00.
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    Omega Alphanavar-Oxandrolone 90 Tabs-10Mg

    Omega Alphanavar-Oxandrolone 90 Tabs-10Mg

    Oxandrolone is bodybuilders most favorite cutting steroid, and would probably be more popular, if it can be made cheaper. Originally, it was marketed as oxandrolone, and has the profound effect of significantly stimulating the quality of phosphocreatine synthesis in muscle cells which in turn improves ATP production and regeneration (for this reason, creatine is often recommended to be "stacked" with oxandrolone).

    Original price was: MXN1,800.00.Current price is: MXN1,350.00.
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  • Masteron Kassel Pharma

    Masteron, an anabolic steroid used in bodybuilding to improve muscle definition, reduce water retention and increase vascularity.

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    Bull Dianabull 100 Tabs


    Dianabull es uno de los esteroides constructores de masa mas efectivos que ha sido creado. De hecho, fue creado para atletas que quieren aumentar su desempeño. Da una gran ganancia de peso fuerza para la mayoría de los que lo consumen.

    Original price was: MXN1,869.94.Current price is: MXN1,402.45.
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    Bull Stanobull 10 Mg 100 Tabs


    El estanozolol es un fuerte anabólico y moderado androgénico que promueve una elevada síntesis de la proteína y la retención del hidrógeno.

    Original price was: MXN1,869.94.Current price is: MXN1,402.45.
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    Omega Alphastan-Stanozolol 90 Tabs-10Mg

    Omega Alphastan-Stanozolol 90 Tabs-10Mg

    Much of what is true for the injectable version of this product is also true for the tablets. There are, however, two notable differences between the two forms of administration. Nitrogen retention is greater with the use of the injectable version, when equal doses are administered.

    Original price was: MXN1,942.00.Current price is: MXN1,456.50.
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  • Trenbolone Acetate Kassel Pharma

    Trenbolone is a potent anabolic steroid, popular among bodybuilders and weightlifters. It increases lean muscle mass, improves strength, reduces fat and defines muscles. It is one of the most effective substances for improving athletic performance and body composition.

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    Omega Alphanadrol-Oxymetholone 60 Tabs-50Mg

    Omega Alphanadrol-Oxymetholone 60 Tabs-50Mg

    Oxymetholone is a strong and efficient oral steroid with androgenic effect quite effective in increasing muscle mass and strength. For this reason, dramatic increases in strength and muscle mass can be achieved in a short period of time, with a fairly significant increase in body weight. This anabolic steroid is widely used among bodybuilders and athletes.


    Original price was: MXN2,016.00.Current price is: MXN1,512.00.
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