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Formulación innovadora de activos lipolíticos y reductores, combinados con una potente mezcla de péptidos con mecanismos de acción sobre los depósitos
de grasa localizada. La principal función de este coctel es reforzar y tensar la piel del rostro y cuerpo, brindando una piel luminosa, fuerte y sana.
Mezclar solución salina con producto liofilizado, sin agitar. Aplicar en la zona a tratar.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- The use and abuse of this product is the responsibility of the person who uses and recommends it.
MXN1,320.00Conjunto de enzimas liofilizadas (Lipasa, Hialuronidasa,Colagenasa y Queratinasa), con la finalidad de eliminar la acumulación excesiva de agua en las células disminuyendo la celulitis, aumentando el flujo sanguíneo por medio del drenaje linfático, eliminando la flacidez, adiposidades y rejuvenecer el aspecto general de la piel.
Mezclar solución salina con producto liofilizado, sin agitar. Aplicar en la zona a tratar.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- El uso y abuso de este producto es responsabilidad de quien lo utiliza y lo recomienda
Lipo enzima, es un producto que se encarga de eliminar la grasa localizada, moldea y afinar la figura, ayuda a eliminar celulitis fibrosa y adiposa, reafirma los tejidos y retrae la piel hacia el músculo. También ayuda a la eliminación de pequeñas cantidades de grasa, otorgando grandiosos resultados a partir de la primera sesión que son permanentes. A demás, se le puede dar uso en casos de fibrosis posterior a alguna cicatriz por un traumatismo tipo quemadura, disminuyéndola e incluso eliminándola.
Se recomienda el consumo abundante de agua.
Evitar consumir carbohidratos en los últimos 5 días posteriores a la aplicación del tratamiento.
Alternarlo con drenantes como: LIPOESCULTOR .
Se puede aplicar en cualquier parte del cuerpo a excepción de los senos.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- The use and abuse of this product is the responsibility of the person who uses and recommends it.
Lipo enzima, es un producto que se encarga de eliminar la grasa localizada, moldea y afinar la figura, ayuda a eliminar celulitis fibrosa y adiposa, reafirma los tejidos y retrae la piel hacia el músculo. También ayuda a la eliminación de pequeñas cantidades de grasa, otorgando grandiosos resultados a partir de la primera sesión que son permanentes. A demás, se le puede dar uso en casos de fibrosis posterior a alguna cicatriz por un traumatismo tipo quemadura, disminuyéndola e incluso eliminándola.
Se recomienda el consumo abundante de agua.
Evitar consumir carbohidratos en los últimos 5 días posteriores a la aplicación del tratamiento.
Alternarlo con drenantes como: LIPOESCULTOR .
Se puede aplicar en cualquier parte del cuerpo a excepción de los senos.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- The use and abuse of this product is the responsibility of the person who uses and recommends it.
MXN300.00A cocktail that, thanks to its multi-nutrient combination, favors the increase of gluteal muscle cells, giving them volume and firmness.
Alternate sessions with firming agents such as: ORGANIC SILICON.
Drink enough liquids to promote its function faster.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- The use and misuse of this product is the responsibility of the user and the person who recommends it.
MXN3,170.00A cocktail that, thanks to its multi-nutrient combination, favors the increase of gluteal muscle cells, giving them volume and firmness.
Alternate sessions with firming agents such as: ORGANIC SILICON.
Drink enough liquids to promote its function faster.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- The use and misuse of this product is the responsibility of the user and the person who recommends it.
MXN300.00Organic silicon is a strong antioxidant for our cells, protecting them from oxidation and premature aging, it is also a precursor of collagen and elastin, which ensures a soft, smooth skin with good elasticity.
Alternate for sessions with other firming agents such as: ANTI-CELLULITE REDUCING COCTEL, ORGANIC SILICON.
Alternate with other reducers such as: CAFURAL DOUBLE EFFECT, COCTEL MIX REDUCER + CLA, MESOESTABYL.
Drink enough liquids to promote its function faster.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- The use and abuse of this product is the responsibility of the person who uses and recommends it.
MXN3,170.00Organic silicon is a strong antioxidant for our cells, protecting them from oxidation and premature aging, it is also a precursor of collagen and elastin, which ensures a soft, smooth skin with good elasticity.
Alternate for sessions with other firming agents such as: ANTI-CELLULITE REDUCING COCTEL, ORGANIC SILICON.
Alternate with other reducers such as: CAFURAL DOUBLE EFFECT, COCTEL MIX REDUCER + CLA, MESOESTABYL.
Drink enough liquids to promote its function faster.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- The use and abuse of this product is the responsibility of the person who uses and recommends it.
MXN300.00A cocktail that due to its high vitamin content favors muscle contraction and muscle gain. Thanks to cysteine, cells are protected from oxidizing agents and prevents aging.
Alternate sessions with firming agents such as: ORGANIC SILICON.
Alternate with draining agents such as: ARTICHOKE EXTRACT, CAFFEINE.
Drink enough liquids to promote its function faster.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Best before the expiration date.
- The use and abuse of this product is the responsibility of the person who uses and recommends it.
MXN3,170.00A cocktail that due to its high vitamin content favors muscle contraction and muscle gain. Thanks to cysteine, cells are protected from oxidizing agents and prevents aging.
Alternate sessions with firming agents such as: ORGANIC SILICON.
Alternate with draining agents such as: ARTICHOKE EXTRACT, CAFFEINE.
Drink enough liquids to promote its function faster.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Best before the expiration date.
- The use and abuse of this product is the responsibility of the person who uses and recommends it.
MXN300.00La vitamina C ayuda a reducir significativamente los daños causados por los radicales libres y/o agentes oxidantes que aceleran el proceso del envejecimiento de la piel y de las células del cuerpo, también por lesiones ocasionadas por la contaminación además de prevenir la aparición de arrugas.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- The use and misuse of this product is the responsibility of the user and the person who recommends it.
MXN3,170.00La vitamina C ayuda a reducir significativamente los daños causados por los radicales libres y/o agentes oxidantes que aceleran el proceso del envejecimiento de la piel y de las células del cuerpo, también por lesiones ocasionadas por la contaminación además de prevenir la aparición de arrugas.
- Open with a blister opener to avoid accidents since it is made of glass.
- Clean the application area in detail.
- Best before the expiration date.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Do not apply to persons under 18 years of age.
- Keep away from sunlight and heat.
- Keep in a cool place.
- The use and misuse of this product is the responsibility of the user and the person who recommends it.